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제주늘푸른음악회 취지문

제주늘푸른음악회는“99”진군흠 詩에 의한 창작가곡,합창곡,등 음악
회를 통하여 발표함으로서 도내.외에 널리 알림은 물론이고 문학과
음악의 접목된 창작예술의 발전을 이루고 승화시키자는 취지로 결성된 순수 비영리 음악 단체입니다.
늘푸른음악회에서 발표하고 창작곡들은 방송을 통하여 인터넷 검색을 통하여서도 애청을 할수 있으며 많은 관객과 함께 할수 있는 음악회가 되도록 노력하겠습니다.

제주늘푸른음악회 회원일동

Inauguration Statement of Jeju Neulpureun Concert
The Jeju Neulpuren Concert is a pure nonprofit organization organized to let people know the creative Korean lied and choral songs in and out of Korea
through the concert of introducing those songs composed by Jingunheum poems in 1999, and also, to develop and sublimate the creative art that the music is connected with the literature.
For those lyrics introduced in Neulpureun Concert, the people may also contact and listen through the broadcasting and internet search.
We would like your interest and encouragement so that we may do our best to make this as the best concert that many listeners come and enjoy our music.

Presented by all members of Jeju Neulpureun Concert


音乐会发表, 不仅为了在道内外广泛地宣传, 而且为了促进和升华文化


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